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Lorenzo Paoletti

Historisches Institut
Abteilung Alte Geschichte
Philosophikum, Raum: 4.109
50923 Köln




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Einführungsseminar: Die Diadochenkriege
Di 16:00-19:15 (Modulbau Weyertal, S222)


Lorenzo Paoletti completed his BA in History at the University of Bologna in 2016 with a thesis on the interactions between Antiochos III and the Roman Republic. After spending a year at the University of Cologne as an Erasmus student, he wrote his MA thesis (Bologna 2018) about institutional and social history of the late Seleukid kingdom (2nd–1st centuries BCE). In April 2019, he was awarded a doctoral fellowship at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School of Cologne within the EU co-funded programme a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities. His doctoral dissertation project investigates criticism of and opposition to the Graeco-Macedonian ruling élites in non-Greek authors and sources of the Hellenistic era. His dissertation is supervised by Prof. P.F. Mittag (University of Cologne), Prof. F. Muccioli (University of Bologna) and Prof. A. Erskine (University of Edinburgh). His main research interests are in Ancient Greek and Roman history, with a focus on Hellenistic history and the relationships between East Mediterranean and Near East local communities in the Seleucid kingdom. Beyond the Hellenistic World, his research interests also include Greek Classical age with a special focus on Greek epigraphy and institutional history.



L. Paoletti (2022),‘Antigono Monoftalmo e la vite d’oro: la simbologia della regalità achemenide alla luce dei rapporti tra Greci, Macedoni e Iranici’, Ricerche Ellenistiche 3, forthcoming.

L. Paoletti (2022), ‘Cretans Soldiers at the Seleucid Court and the Enigmatic Case of Lasthenes: from μισθοφόρος to ἐπὶ τῶν πραγμάτων?’, Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, forthcoming

L. Paoletti (2020), ‘Antioco IV, Delo e un’eco della Sesta guerra di Siria in IG XI 4, 1215. Il caso di Demetrio: principe o sacerdote?’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 213: 149–157.


L. Paoletti (2024), Altay Coşkun/Richard Wenghofer (eds.): Seleukid Ideology. Creation, Reception and Response, Stuttgart 2023.

L. Paoletti (2022), ‘Fred S. Naiden, Soldier, Priest, and God. A Life of Alexander the Great, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press 2019, pp. 407.’ Athenaeum 110/1, forthcoming

L. Paoletti (2019), ‘Paul J. Kosmin, “Time and Its Adversaries in the Seleucid Empire’, Cambridge-London, Harvard University Press, 2018, pp. 392.’, Storicamente 15, 1-3.


L. Paoletti (2018), ‘Spätantike Quellen für das Studium der senatus consulta: Wege zwischen Jurisprudenz und Historiographie’ in Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto 8, 2018, 598-601. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 04-05 April 2018 Coordinators: Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno - Prof. Sebastian Lohsse.
